Interview with Nicola Randone (08/22/02)
Nicola's CD reviewed here
Hegede: Can you tell me more about your origins. Is "Morte di Un Amore" your
first CD?
Randone: Hello Steve. First of all, thanks for your compliments - in my country
compliments are a rarity. Unfortunately, in Italy the universe of music is
in a poor condition: the lovers of prog are not numerous... But now to your
question. Morte di un amore is my first solo album. Before it - exactly in
1998 - I published an album with my now extinguished band Grey Owl. The
release failed to reach a large audience because of the lack of a real
promotion and also because, being a debut work, it had been recorded with
poor means.
Hegede: You are one of the strongest vocalists I've heard from the Italian
scene. Who are your influences?
Randone: Very nice appreciation, thank you! My primary infuences are some local prog
singers, in particular Leonardo Sasso of the original Locanda delle Fate
line-up. I always liked his vocal power. I'm also fond of Le Orme singer
Aldo Tagliapietra's mellow style. And it was Francesco Di Giacomo of Banco
who has taught to me how to use the explosive loads - yet, Francesco's
technical skills remain unsurpassed.
Hegede: Who are your favorite bands from the classic Italian prog scene?
Randone: The Italian prog rock of the early 70s is among the best things ever
produced in my country. Some of those artists were great, doubtless. They
created an original sound, allowing to me to grow in an artistic way. Here I
mention the popular groups Banco, Orme and Area, together with quite obscure
bands like Panna Fredda ("Cold Cream"), Biglietto per l'inferno ("Ticket to
the Hell"), Osanna and Locanda delle Fate ("The Fairies' Inn"). The jazz
matrix of prog rock has then found its culmination in the oeuvre of Arti e
Mestieri ("Arts and Trades"), whose keyboardist Beppe Crovella is presently
managing the distribution of my CD. Crovella will probably involve me in an
upcoming short-term production - I hope it!
Hegede: Who composed the music on the CD? How do you start out writing a song?
Randone: The integral paternity of this stuff is mine. Only exceptions are L'Infinito
and Morte di un amore. L'Infinito I've written in co-work with Giovanni
Bulbo, Morte di un amore was realised together with my old band Grey Owl.
All the tracks on the CD have been arranged by Gianni Bulbo, who, I guess,
has understood better than any other person to interpret my ideas, enriching
them with powerful arrangements which fit well to the actual sound
Concerning the birth of a song - it's the result of an uncontrollable
impulse that, by the simple aid of my guitar, of a portable recorder, and of
a pen and a sheet of paper, leads my hand to freed the emotions which are
crummed inside me. A sort of catarsis. I pray that this force will never
extinguish, even if at times I'm not able to write anything for months. I
would like to have much more time at my disposal...
Hegede: What are your plans now, any tours?
Randone: This is a difficult question. As an unsigned artist, I find too expensive
to support an own live tour. Beyond it, I had to perform like a god to be
able to catch the attention of a larger audience. At the moment I'm just
concerned to go on in writing new songs. Sure, if someone - or something -
wants to help me to become a professional musician, I could risk and try to
realize my dream. But wonders don't happen every day.
Hegede: Thank you, and good luck!
Randone: Thank to you, Steve, for having spoken to me about my work in such a
friendly way.